Responsible Investing Policy


Committed to a Better Future

AB CarVal believes that environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors have the potential to influence investment outcomes and has committed to incorporate them into the firm’s investment decision making. AB CarVal is also committed to adhering to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment in a manner consistent with AB CarVal’s broader fiduciary responsibilities.


Our Guiding Principles

AB CarVal believes that ESG factors can have a material influence on investment outcomes. As such, AB CarVal’s Responsible Investing Policy is consistent with AB CarVal’s fiduciary responsibility to maximize returns for its investors. The specific goals of this policy are:

  1. Implement procedures that can be reasonably expected to identify those investments or transactions in which ESG factors may be material;

  2. Implement procedures to ensure that investment professionals are knowledgeable regarding Responsible Investing, providing ongoing training where required;

  3. Ensure that appropriate personnel have the necessary tools to incorporate ESG factors into investment decision making, where such factors are relevant;

  4. Provide a governance framework (i.e., the establishment of a Responsible Investing Committee) within which AB CarVal may monitor and review the effectiveness and operation of its Responsible Investing Policy;

  5. Implement procedures for the monitoring and reporting of responsible investment practices at an investment, fund and firm level.



The PRI, a UN-supported network of investors, works to promote sustainable investment by incorporating ESG factors into investment decision-making. AB CarVal’s activities are included in the UNPRI reporting of its parent company, AllianceBernstein L.P.


AB CarVal is proud to be a member of the IFRS Sustainability Alliance whose goal is to develop and explore best practices to integrate material sustainability information into existing processes. AB CarVal shares IFRS’s belief that today’s capital markets need standardized sustainability disclosure and effective ESG integration into investment practices.

EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)

Sustainability-related disclosures applicable to certain AB CarVal funds are available on secured portals accessible to prospective investors and Limited Partners. Copies of the disclosures or access to secured portals can be requested by contacting The investment objectives of AB CarVal funds do not currently include an assessment of principal adverse impacts of its investments on sustainability factors within the meaning of SFDR.


*AUM is comprised of fee-earning AUM and fee-eligible AUM. Fee-earning AUM includes those assets currently eligible to generate management fees. Fee-eligible assets includes capital that is committed to an AB CarVal Fund, but is currently uncalled or recallable. The number represented here excludes assets under AB CarVal’s management that are not generating fees due to the maturity of the Fund.